Do You Know About Bubble Tea?

Bubble tea, also called boba tea or pearl milk tea, has become a widely adored Taiwanese beverage that has garnered global recognition. This delightful drink typically combines black or green tea, with milk or fruity flavors complemented by sugar or other sweetening agents.


Its distinguishing characteristic lies in the incorporation of chewy tapioca pearls, adding a distinct texture and lending the drink its iconic name. The tapioca pearls, often called "boba," are made from tapioca starch extracted from cassava root. These small, black, chewy balls are cooked until they have a gummy texture and are then added to the tea, making it an enjoyable beverage to drink.

Bubble tea comes in various flavors, from traditional milk tea to fruit-infused versions like mango, strawberry, or lychee. It's often served with ice, and some variations include blended or slushy versions instead of the traditional iced tea.

Bubble tea has become a global sensation and is enjoyed by people of all ages. In many places, you can find dedicated bubble tea shops that offer a wide range of flavors and customization options to suit individual preferences. It's a delightful and refreshing drink that is a favorite among tea enthusiasts and those looking for a unique and enjoyable beverage experience.

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Rita Milk Tea 200ml Paper Box 

The History Of Bubble Tea

Bubble tea's origins can be traced back to Taiwan in the 1980s. At that time, Taiwan already had a strong tradition of tea drinking, and milk tea was a well-known beverage. Additionally, shaved ice and tapioca balls were popular desserts in the region. The innovative idea of combining these three elements into one drink took root.

Thus, the beverage was created with tapioca balls at the base, followed by a layer of shaved ice, and then topped off with milk tea. This delightful concoction came to be known as "boba," a term believed to originate from Taiwanese slang referring to breasts, alluding to the spherical shape of the tapioca balls, likely influenced by Chinese characters.

Over time, boba evolved and spread throughout Taiwan. Fruit boba variants emerged, using fruit powders and syrups instead of fresh fruit due to cost and perishability concerns. The selection of toppings expanded beyond tapioca balls to include items like grass jelly, almond jelly, egg pudding, and red beans.

Even in the traditional boba, changes were made. The milk tea milk was replaced with non-dairy creamer, resulting in a delightful and creamy taste that became synonymous with the drink. As the boba trend grew in popularity, it became an integral part of Taiwanese culture. Eventually, it spread worldwide, captivating the taste buds of people in various corners of the globe.

Bubble tea

Bubble tea  is one of Taiwan’s most beloved beverages (Photo: Internet)

The Many Flavors of Bubble Tea 

Bubble tea is a versatile beverage that can be crafted with any type of tea, although black tea remains the most widely used. Initially, boba tea consisted of simple ingredients: milk, green or black tea, flavoring or syrup, and tapioca pearls. As its popularity surged, consumers began adding creative twists to boba tea flavors, making various selections available at tea houses, cafes, and restaurants.

Today, bubble tea comes in countless variations, allowing you to customize it to your taste preferences. Tea shops often offer an extensive menu with hundreds of different varieties. Below are some common types of bubble tea that you can find on the menu of almost every tea house:

Original Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea 490ml can Original

Indulge in the timeless delight of Original bubble tea, crafted with luscious black tea, frothy milk (or oat milk for a dairy-free option!), crushed ice, and a generous serving of velvety and sweet tapioca balls. This bubble tea original flavor is an irresistible treat that never disappoints!

Thai Bubble Tea

If you've enjoyed experiencing Thai tea, you'll undoubtedly agree with its delightful taste. This beverage's distinctive orange hue is instantly recognizable, and its flavor lives up to its captivating appearance. Thai bubble tea boasts an exquisite sweetness that caters perfectly to those fondly for sugary indulgence, making it an ideal choice for those with an active sweet tooth.

Fruit Bubble Tea

Fruit tea is a delightful blend of fresh or dried passion fruit and various plant materials. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, this infusion offers a fantastic way to bolster the immune system and detoxify the body. Like traditional tea leaves, bubble  tea with fruit flavor bestows numerous health benefits without caffeine. Savor the goodness of this caffeine-free, fresh fruit-based tea and your boba choice for a delightful and healthy beverage experience.

Taro Bubble Tea

Taro, originating from Asia and commonly found in tropical regions, is a plant known for its starchy roots, which boast a texture akin to sweet potatoes and a mild, nearly neutral taste.

Bubble tea with taro flavor is a delightful blend comprising taro powder, green tea, milk creamer, and chewy tapioca pearls. Its distinctive feature lies in its lovely light purple hue, adding to the appeal of this refreshing and unique beverage.

Glass bottle 315m Bubble Taro